Friday, August 8, 2008

I won the lottery...

...the Wicked lottery that is.

started playing here a few weeks ago, so we wandered down to the theatre to check on ticket prices. As we expected, they were outrageously expensive, but there was a sign posted explaining the ticket lottery. Two hours before each performance, they draw names for $30 front row seats. Since last weekend marked one month of us being here, we decided to spend a night on the town and put our names in for the ticket lottery. We figured they would draw one name and that would be it, but they actually drew a bunch of names (turns out they sell all of the front row seats this way). After drawing about 10 names, they announced that they only had one seat available, and then they announced my name as the winner. Unfortunately since they only had one seat and we needed two seats, I had to turn it down, but I was still excited that I had won! Since they drew so many names, we decided we'd try again for a weekday performance because we'd have better chances. So, this Thursday, when I got home from class, we went down to the theatre and put our names in for the lottery. After drawing a few names, they called my name. I bought the tickets and then we went home to eat dinner and change before the show. The show started at 8 pm, which made it a late night, but it was well worth it. The story was creative, Wicked is the Wizard of Oz told from the perspective of the wicked witch, and the special effects were amazing, especially from the front row! Plus, now we can say we've been to three different Broadway shows in three different countries on three different continents (who would've thought that Mark Beddes would be able to make this claim?!).

1 comment:

Don said...

Nicci, Sounds like an adventure. I am back from India and spent the morning reading your blog. How has the teaching been going for Mark? Did he take the Jewish school job? We dropped Lindsay off at WSU on Sunday and then off to Priest Lake for a week. How are classes going? Do you have to study alot. Take care, ddp