Saturday, August 23, 2008

Love your car

If I have learned anything from this trip it is no doubt that I appreciate getting in the car and driving somewhere. Sure, traffic sucks sometimes but at least you can see what is stopping you, you know that eventually you will move. You sometimes have options to take an exit and try something else. Standing there waiting for a bus/tram/train and wondering whether it will ever come is miserable.
Mass transportation really sucks. In 7 years at Fife, I was never late for class. Last week I was late twice.
On Tuesday, I sat at the bus stop that is supposed to have a bus every 13 minutes for 30 minutes. I ended up being 10 minutes late when I planned on being 15 minutes early. When leaving school that very night, I waited for 25 minutes and eventually gave up and walked to the train station.
Friday moring I was in Flinders station which is the main station in Melbourne and the screens (that tell you the next arriving trains) all went haywire. Nothing seem to work, so about 10,00 people trying to get to work were just sitting around. Also on Friday, after a particularly bad group of Aussie hellions, it took me 2 and 1/2 hours to get home on a trip that would've taken 33 minutes by car! The level of pissed was beyond that of any traffic jam on I-5 I have ever dealt with.
A few weeks ago, the tram I was riding on hit a car, so here I am about 10km away from home and no idea which way to go, and the tram is stuck there. Eventually I wandered to a train station but what a pain!
On a more positive note, I have learned how to make curry... my new love. And I found some beautiful beers thanks to hanging with a Brit that I work with at the Jewish school. We agreed that the Aussie beer lacked a bit so he showed me some "proper English bitters".

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