Thursday, August 21, 2008

Does the learning curve ever end...

Just when I think that I've got things figured out when it comes to life in Oz, I learn something new. Today, unfortunately, I learned something new the hard way. I learned that dishwashing liquid is actually dish soap, not liquid dishwasher detergent. Now, if you've ever put dish soap in a dishwasher, you know what happens and are probably having a laugh at my expense- you're welcome. If you've never made this mistake, then picture a dishwasher so full of bubbles that it can only relieve itself by leaking sudsy water all over the kitchen floor. To add to the situation, picture this happening in a country with very expensive linens :) Needless to say, when I go to the store, I will be sure to ask for the dishwashing liquid that is designed for dishwashers!

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