Saturday, August 2, 2008

Back to the Future

Oh how I miss you Fife High School! It is amazing how we've come full circle. 7 years ago, I was substitute teaching and Nikki was a student, we lived in a small apartment in a new place and we had only one car. Fast forward those 7 years and here we are in the same place only with no vehicles and an even smaller apartment. I suppose there are some details I'm leaving out, but nonetheless, the comparisons are funny. As for the substitute teaching, or CRT work as they call it, it kind've sucks. I really regret all those days when Karl, Kelli,and Teresa would ignore the subs during lunch. I mean I understand the reasons. When you have a solid 20 minutes of grown-up time in a day, you don't want to waste it on what might end up to be a poor conversation. You gotta go with the the people you know you like to talk to. But for the sub that can get pretty lonely. I don't want to jump in on the conversation of the regular teachers, but I would like to talk to someone. I am getting along with the co-workers at the Jewish school though. They are great guys. And we have a few American friends we met at the 4th of July thing.

On Thursday and Friday I subbed a 5th and 6th grade class. If hell is tailored to the person, I'm pretty sure mine will be 25, 5th and 6th grade Aussies for eternity. Which brings to the point the picture at the top (wine glass in a cooly cup). It is pretty hard to enjoy a beer that costs $2.50 when you know that was 15 minutes of the little bastards telling you "that's not how our teacher does it". However, after a day of that I really do need some type of alcohol, and since wine is still cheap... wine it is!

I will say though teaching at an elementary school is much more inviting. They are just so touchy-feely. It was someone's Birthday so they brought in snacks and sang Happy Birthday during recess. In high school if it is someones birthday, they have to tell us, then we tell them they have to bring in any leftover cake if they get some. The elementary teachers are way friendlier and I get more conversation. But I swear elementary and high school teachers are like oil and water, I just can't take 'em. Shane Hosley is about the only one I've ever liked.

Long story short... work is still work. I just have to remind myself that it is money in the bank. $200 for 6 hours. Just take it on the chin, drink the iwne whej I get home, and piss the cash away on a trip to Fiji, New Zealand, Tasmania, the Gold Coast, etc. etc. etc.

1 comment:

Hoz said...

Thanks Mark. You are very kind. I will think of you as I finish off that six-pack of Moose Drool for 7.99. :)