Saturday, July 26, 2008

View from the top

This is the view from our balcony on the 23rd floor. The beer is worth about $2.50. And yes, that is a Cuban cigar I am holding!

Dial-up is excruciatingly slow. The idiots at the telephone company screwed up the order so no DSL line yet but due to some heavy complaining on my end we have temporary dial up service. I don't know if any of you remember how painstakingly slow dial up was when the internet was a few pics and mostly text, but now that every page has some type of flash or video... dial up is ridiculous. the point is, we now have internet available at the apartment and will be connected most of the time. So, all you have to do is call Nikki or I's cell phone and we'll get it. Just keep in mind we are 17 hours ahead.

One more thing, I made a small error in the size of the city in my last post. Melbourne is 4 million people not 11 million. From my angle though it is a helluva lot of people.

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