Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Aussies are hellions!

I thought my class in Fife sometimes was a pain in the arse (Nikki is using Australian words in her posts so I thought I should in mine). I spent my first two days in the classroom at Lalor Secondary College. They wanted to hire me straight out. Evidently PE teachers are a hard find here. So, they asked if I could come out and sub for a few days and get a feel of the school. By the way, the call it CRT work, or Casual Relief teaching. So, I went out there Monday and Tuesday. The teachers were very friendly and the schedule is friggin' sweet! The only catch is the kids. I tried teaching them some skills in Soccer. Which is not exactly my best sport. Just to get the little bastards to line up in 5 even lines took ten minutes. They were very respectful, and listened when told to do something, but it was like a class of 20 ADD kids. Evidently the school is a low socio-economic, highly cultural diverse area, which as mean as it sounds to put in print usually equates into the rougher kids. So, I don't think I'm gonna jump on that position. I'll hold out for something better. I'm hoping it was just these kids and not Australians as a whole as I've already committed to the Adass Israel School. That's right a private Jewish school. I'm really expanding my horizons. Beyond that job I have offers for tutoring work and plenty of CRT work.

After some mild grumbling between Nikki and I that we flew to other side of the globe to find Canada, the cool little differences are starting to show up. For example, school in OZ has 2 periods... then recess (30 minutes)... 2 periods... then lunch(60 minutes).... then 2 periods. The teacher has a total of 22, 45 minute periods with the student contact. That is 16 hours of teaching a week... not bad! Still no toilets with definite evidence on the direction of the flush. That one is killing me. I can go buy a Cuban Cigar any time I like and I have in fact.

On the home front, our place is so cool. I can't say it enough. I have to walk out on the balcony every time I walk by, it is quite a view. We do have furniture now it's like IKEA took a crap in the place, but it was cheap and is magnificent after 2 weeks in a hotel room with no bathroom. I tell you what though. I have no idea how anyone can live without a TV. I'm going crazy here. Back in the states I was usually so busy I was lucky to get an hour in front of the tube, and it really didn't matter what I watched. It's just that beatiful feeling of blissful rest when you can switch off your brain and watch the good old boob tube. I've been working on the TV but it is tough when you are due for a nice TV but you only get it for a year. Funny enough Nikki was the one clamoring for a big TV this weekend and I said no we probably shouldn't. what an idiot I am. Anyway, the internet is due to be turned on in Thursday the 24th. So, my phone number will once again get you in touch with me (not just the voicemail) and I plan to spend a lot of time on the phone calling dear friends.

talk to y' all soon.


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