Friday, March 27, 2009

I'm alive...

Okay- so I know some of you were probably starting to think that Mark had me locked up somewhere or had killed me since it's been so long since my last post, but let's be real here. If he locked me up, who would clean and do the laundry? And even worse, he might actually have to work to pay the bills. If he killed me, then he'd just be stuck with all of my student loan debt; I'm making sure it goes to him as a way of making it in his best interest to keep me around :)

Anyway, I'm alive and I guess you could say doing well, although I've been extremely busy. Because of all of our holidays (and because of Mark's extended holiday), I've tried not to cut my work hours too much when we're in town. That means that I'm working pretty much full time and going to school full time. Oh yeah- I also picked up a little temporary part time gig. How could I turn it down? I'm getting paid almost 100 AUD an hour to run an ethics tutorial to third year medical students. The tutorial is two hours a week for four weeks and requires very little prep time and absolutely no grading. Tutorials are basically discussion sessions; most of the college classes around here have lectures and then tutorials to discuss what was addressed in the lecture. So I'm really just leading a two hour discussion and getting paid a lot of money to do it!

Aside from work and school, I basically eat and sleep. I've been trying to eat three meals a day and get a good seven hours of sleep at night, but sometimes that can be tricky. Really it's not the glamorous life that it once was- but I doubt I'll get any pity for it since I am still living in Australia :)

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