Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Footy season is back

I wanted to mention one thing I forgot on the last blog. Although the greatest game in the world is in the off season, the second best is just firing up. I just came to realize I haven't even mentioned the great sport of footy! That's Aussie for Football. They call our game Gridiron. Footy is genius. It is like somebody took all the suckiness out of soccer and made it exciting. It has all the big catches and almost as many big hits as our beautiful game. The only thing it lacks is the intricacy, of course I could be talking like an ignorant American. the reality is, I explained the basic concept to Nikki last season in about 5 minutes (which is her typical attention span during sports talk) and she picked it up right away. She even went to a few games. I have been trying to explain American footbal to her for ten years... still nothing. And I learn new things about it all the time. What's more, it is totally a Melbourne thing. You are in this city five minutes, and someone asks "what team do you barrack for?" This is Aussie for "who do you root for?" We can't use that term (root) as it reserved for gay sex, but I digress. Another cool thing, is the passion these people have for their teams. Something I can certainly relate to. As for me, I am a Bulldogs supporter. I can't wait to take our guests to this game!

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