Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Way better than the dog at my homework...

How's this for an excuse- sorry my exam is late because I spent the afternoon at the clinic and the ER. Talk about bad timing! When I woke up yesterday morning, I noticed my right eye was a little puffy and bloodshot. I put in some drops, put on my glasses, and went to work hoping it would get better. Well, it didn't. In fact, it got worse. I actually woke up in the middle of the night last night from all of the pressure in my head and this morning my eye was even more puffy and bloodshot. I knew I had to go work since we were already short one and then come home to finish and post my take home exam, which was due today, so I decided I'd wait and go to the doctor tomorrow. However, about halfway through my work shift, my head was filled with so much pressure I knew that I couldn't wait until tomorrow. So I made arrangements to leave work a little early in hopes of making it to the clinic and still getting home in time to finish and post my test. Boy was I wrong! I spent nearly an hour at the clinic just waiting to be seen and then about another half an hour or so with the doctor who decided that it was either a quick onset of glaucoma or an infection. Since he wasn't sure and wanted to play it safe, he wrote me a note to the Victorian Eye and Ear Hospital Emergency Room. I spent another couple hours there before learning that it's probably viral conjuctivitis, which is better than glaucoma, but as it's a viral infection there's nothing they can do for it. It's also highly contagious so I got a note to excuse me from work for the rest of the week!

1 comment:

Mark and Nikki said...

Yeah, and they talk about socialized medicine!