Monday, October 6, 2008

Wine country...

Here are a couple of things that Mark forgot to mention. First, we were standing in line at the airport to check in our bags and I asked Mark to take out his identification so we’d be ready when we got to the front. He began checking all of his pockets and a panicked look came across his face- he doesn’t carry his license and he left his passport in the scanner when making a copy of it. Who goes on vacation and doesn’t bring any id?! Fortunately I had a copy of his passport and the Aussies are much more relaxed when it comes to travel, but it wasn’t exactly the way that I’d hoped to begin this adventure!

Second, Michael and Jane’s house is actually set up on a hill with vineyards on either side, which is absolutely beautiful. Plus, they have a rainwater collection system that supplies all of their water, an easy way to be green, and they raise chickens for eggs and sheep for meat to be more self-sufficient. Finally, Jane is a chef and cooked us a master meal of lamb, sweet potato mash, and veggies. Neither of us thought we liked lamb, until we had Jane’s lamb- now I’m looking forward to getting some spring lamb from the market and seeing what I can do with it.

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