Thursday, October 16, 2008

Living the dream...

I always said that it would be nice to quit teaching and work a coffee shop job as it would be so much more relaxing and less work. Well- let me tell you- I was right!

Here's how it all started. A couple days after we got back from our trip, I received a letter from the Victorian Institute of Teaching informing me that my request for teacher certification had been rejected on the grounds that I had not satisfied the supervised teaching requirements (my PLU transcript lists my student teaching as an internship). I can appeal the decision, but to do so I need to gather additional evidence to show that the internship was supervised teaching and then wait until the next committee meeting. Since I finish with school in a couple weeks, but the appeal might take a month and even then isn't guaranteed, I decided to start looking elsewhere. So last Friday I went to a cafe for a working interview, which means they put me to work to see how I do. Clearly I did alright because I worked the entire day!

Although it doesn't pay nearly as well as teaching, the perks are great. I work from 9-3 during the week, weekends off. I get a paid break, which is short, but includes free lunch. If there's extra food at the end of the day, I get to take it home for dinner (so far we've had dinner provided every night). The customers are great, very easy to please, and I enjoy my coworkers. Plus, the best part is when I go home at the end of the day, I don't bring work with me!

Ah... life is good!

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