Friday, June 5, 2009

One down, two to go- or is it two down, one to go...

Just a quick update (that's about all I ever have time for these days)- I finished my thesis, though I'm waiting to submit it until I hear back from my supervisor, but I still have a take home exam and another essay before I'm completely finished with school. The exam is due next Wednesday and the essay a couple weeks later. We also have our third and final set of visitors coming next week. My mom and Tom get in next Wednesday and are here for almost two weeks. After having Cara and Nick and Saggy and Rachel here, we've become somewhat of expert tour guides (at least we like to think so). While we've done the typical Melbourne scene with all of them, we've also done something different with each. With Cara and Nick we went to Port Douglas and the Great Barrier Reef, with Saggy and Rachel it was Sydney and the Sydney Opera House, and with my mom and Tom it'll be the outback. I'm definitely looking forward to their visit, though I'm a little worried about my essay since I haven't even started it and it's due the day after they leave. Thank goodness for day tours I guess :)

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