Monday, February 16, 2009

A few things she left out

First off, driving in Melbourne requires an engineering degree. The parking signs read like the plans for the space shuttle. They have this thing called a hook turn. this may be the most ridiculous thing ever created. If you want to turn right, you get in the left hand lane (mind you, you are driving on the left hand side of the road) pull all the way out in the intersection, then pull a bit more let to let the cars behind you go then slam on the gas to cross four lanes of downtown big city traffic. It was a tad intimidating. After getting out of the city, it was like driving in Eastern Montana. another crazy thing about Australians is they really have no suburban sprawl. It goes from city to nothing. We were on the main highway from Melbourne to Adelaide (2 major cities in the country) and in several points it went to a one lane road. When I say one lane I don't mean one each way. Literally just one lane. When you see another car coming you drive off the shoulder of the road onto the dirt, but don't slow down. Anyway, it was real cool to just be cruising through the country.

As for the sights Nikki hit the nail on the head. These cliffs were nothing short of spectacular! Just sheer cliffs and rocks that stick out of the ocean that were 50 feet tall. As for the Koalas I would like to again point out that Nikki was wrong (I'm not petty). I was telling her we'dsee one and she kept busting my chops about watching the road. Not only did we see one but we saw a bunch, and they were some cute little buggers.

On Sunday, we did want to do a bit of surfing (I have to before I leave Australia). I checked out the water first without the surf board, and there didn't seem to be sufficient waves. I'm gonna need some gnarly waves so I can totally hang ten dude. Swimming was still fun, I was a little worried about the killer jellyfish/sharks/snakes and such that are so common in Australia, so I wouldn't pee in the water, but outside of that all good.

On a side note, in my ever increasing world travel in search of odd urinating facilities I came across a very strange toilet/urinal? type thing. It was basically a hole in the floor in a stall. If someone has seen one of these and can work out the logistics please enlighten me. The only thing I could come up with was this a way to #2 while standing up.


Angie said...

What you have right there is a squat toilet. Fortunately, the people of the world find it such an intriguing device that there is a full Wikipedia entry about it:

Do enjoy. Glad you had a good trip.

TraciG said...

Hey Mark (and your lovely bride--Just wanted you to know a couple of things: 1)There is no way, when you were sitting in my Junior English class, that I ever imagined you would be a teacher and not only that a sub in Australia! 2)You're looking quite a bit like Spencer in the girth area 3) Your writing has improved 100 fold in the past 10 or so years 4) Someday, as a teacher, you will understand that these are the things that make you proudest when you see kids that you spent intensive time with (a whole hour a day for 9 months; more if you happened to coach them at all) and they are all grown up and making a difference in the world (yes the world!) Great to see what's happening in your life. Obviously yours has quite a bit more variety than mine...although calving heifers is pretty amazing!

Incidentally we have some friends from our MC church that are in Australia currently training to be missionaries in Vanauatu. Talk about culture shock there!!

Great to see you, via the net!

Anonymous said...

Squat toilet! that is awesome!