Friday, February 27, 2009

Holidays, markets, picnics, and possums...

It's been awhile since our last post, so we thought we'd do a quick one to let everybody know what we've been up to. We've recently booked two holidays (vacations)- one for next week and one for the middle of April with Cara and Nick :) Next Thursday (my birthday!) we're flying to Sydney, hopping in a car, and then driving the coast to Brisbane where we fly out the following Wednesday- we don't have much more than that as we're kind of flying by the seat of our pants (that's our style). In April we're flying to Cairns with Cara and Nick to scuba the Great Barrier Reef!!!

Wednesday night we went to the last night market at the Queen Vic Market and Thursday night we went to the last night market in St. Kilda. I've got to say, Queen Vic's was much better!

Last night we had a picnic in the park with Tim and Carol. They brought bread, meat, cheese, and a large blanket. We brought salads, wine, and our picnic kit. It was a great night of eating, drinking, and visiting. The park that we were at has a lot of possums that came out at dusk, so of course we threw food to try to attract them. We had a couple hanging around us, so we decided to feed them out of our hands. Great idea until one bit me- fortunately they don't have rabies!

Anyway- that's all for now! Loving life, enjoying the weather, and having a great time taking advantage of this opportunity- cheers!

Oh yeah- I almost forgot- Bears fans. So I was walking home from work yesterday and I noticed the guy in front of me had a tattoo on his ankle of the Chicago Bear's bear head. I got right behind him and said, "Wow! A Bears fan huh?" He and his wife turned around and I explained that I saw the tattoo and was married to what I thought was the only Bears fan in Australia. Turns out he got into football in the early 80s (explains why he's a Bears fan) and has been a fan ever since. We walked and talked for a few blocks and then he gave me his business card and said he'd love to sit and chat with another fan. Even better- he's the general manager of a winery- what a great fit for Mark and I!

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