Saturday, January 3, 2009

Missing Our Life Down Under...

Although we're enjoying our time with friends and family, there are a few things that we miss about our life in Australia. For starters, the mild winters and all of the walking. Since we've been in Montana, we've only had a handful of days with highs above zero, which means the only walking we've been doing is indoors. To think, we left summer for this! Mark is missing the food (he paid $7 for a small jar of Vegemite) and I'm missing all of the activity that comes with city living. Let's just say I'm doing a lot of reading and watching tv these days. Finally, of course, we're missing our Aussie friends (and the Brit). When we left our friends here, we knew we'd see them again soon. But when we leave our Aussie friends in July, we don't know when or if we'll see them again. Another reason to be thankful for the internet I guess.

PS- For my dad and the rest of you following our blog, the posts will continue to be pretty scarce until we get back to Melbourne at the end of January (after all, it's titled "Life Down Under"), so check back then. Cheers!

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