Sunday, December 7, 2008

4 Countries in 2 Days...

We left Melbourne at 10:30 Thursday morning and landed in Los Angeles at 10:15 after a nearly 2 hour layover in Auckland (and they say time travel isn't possible). The first thing we wanted to do when we got to the States was eat proper Mexican food- so far that's about all we've eaten (it's just sooooo good). We even crossed the border on Friday to get the real deal. Lesley and Daniel (my aunt and uncle) took us to Tijuana for some tacos from Perez's and a little sight seeing and shopping. At the border trying to get back into the States, an officer took our passports and then came back and told us to follow another officer into a holding area. Lesley looked a little panicked; they've never had any problems crossing the border. Of course, Mark and I were relaxed since we have trouble pretty much every time we cross a border (a little tid-bit that we forgot to pass along to Lesley and Daniel- oops!). Fortunately they let us through, but only after looking at Mark and then asking him how he was related to Daniel. On Saturday we went to Sea World using free passes from my dad (thank goodness because tickets are about $65, which is probably close to $100 AUD). We hit the shows and exhibits, got wet on the rides, and had lunch and drinks in Bush Gardens. The weather was beautiful and there weren't a lot of people, so it was a perfect day for Sea World. We stuck around into the evening for the special Christmas shows; what an amazing way to kick start the season! Today we had a barbeque with the family. Not being used to kids, it made things easier on us that they showed up in groups every couple of hours. By the end, it was Mark and I, Lesley and Daniel, Danielle with her three kids, Stacie and Johnny with their three kids, and Jessica with her three kids plus one- ten kids total and not only did we survive, but we enjoyed it! We have a few more days here in California and then it's off to Montana. We'll try to post some pictures of our California trip when we get to Montana, so keep checking back!

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