Wednesday, January 14, 2009

No worries...

It's amazing how quickly the sayings that I picked up in Australia have gone away. "No worries" is pretty much the only thing that's stuck with me and I think of Australia every time I say it. In fact, it pretty much sums up my life in Australia. Last week I pulled an ad out of a magazine that says, "It isn't that you have no worries here. It's that you can't remember what they are." How true that is (yet the ad had nothing to do with Australia). Although I've enjoyed my time here, I look forward to getting back to Australia and the life where I don't remember my worries. It's funny that when we first moved we laughed about how much we had digressed, but now it seems to be more of a progression than a digression. We've been able to simplify life to a point where we don't seem to have any worries- how many people ever get to that stage?

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