Monday, April 13, 2009

Nick and Cara Arrive!

These Dalbeys don't mess around. I am just now recovering from the bushwalk we took today. They were a bit fast for me. I'm sure it was a lovely walk, but I spent the bulk of it gasping for air and hoping I wouldn't black out. This is just the latest off our many adventures in the three days they have been here. They arrived Sunday morning and we kept them awake (jet lag) by walking around Melbourne. Nick is still getting used to being upside down. We went to the Sunday art market for Cara and Nikki where I felt like I was the one with jet lag. I have introduced Nick to the glory of meat pies. He digs'em. Good thing too because he might have been removed from the cool list had he not liked these glorious creations. Monday was a busy day. Nick and I went golfing (I won (by far)). Then from the golf to the footy game (Doggies won(by far)). We had few beers at the footy game. Nick likens it to a keg stand. Then we hit a comedy show. Today, while Nichole worked Cara, Nick, and I hit the Dandenong ranges to walk up the thousand steps... this is where I dying. Only one the way up though. I'm pretty good with the downhill. Tonight we hti a Lebanese restaurant with Tim and Carol... our Aussie Nick and Cara. We will keep up with the adventures of N,C,N, and M... So keep checking back.


Anonymous said...

Hi Cara, Nick, Nichole & pseudo-son-in-law Mark!!
This is the 1st blog I've read and I must say to both of you I got a lot of laughs and really enjoyed it. Not that I would write one but I can see many positive things with doing this.
I know the 4 of you will have a great time.........I'm hoping there will be some good pics from the zoo.
It's raining here and we are supposed to get maybe 2 ft of snow in the mountains. Isn't spring in the Rockies great.

Love to all of you,
Mom Sharon

Grandma and Grandpa Perk said...

You guys are having way too much fun ! And the sites you have seen, WOW! I have to google Dandenong and find out what it is !
Take care

Gary and Barb Perk
Billings, Montana