Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Every country's got 'em

If you've been following the blog you know that I am often surprised of the similarities between the USA and Australia. Daylesford is just another example of this. You know the town... endless shops filled with crap you would never actually buy, but girls just have to walk through them and say "isn't that cute" at least 15 times per store. I should have known right away as I walked through the town. Every group we encountered was a group of girls (a few obvious bachelorette parties) or a downtrodden man being drug about by his wife/girlfriend/partner. There were a few groups of guys together but they were holding hands (not that there is anything wrong with that). The lone bright spot was the food, the bakeries carry not only the sweets but also meat pies and I love dem meat pies!
Outside of town was pretty cool. We went for a nice walk around the lake, and as Nikki said in her blog, we drank the mineral water. I dig the mineral water but there is definitely something that the store bought stuff does to get the stink out. The stuff straight from the ground smells a bit like rotten eggs (sulfur).
All in all, it wasn't too bad of a day. We got out of town, tried a new place, and Nikki Marie enjoyed herself thoroughly. Although, I think she would've been much better off with Cara or her Mum.

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