Friday, July 16, 2010

1 year later

Wow how things change in a year. First off, living in Australia at times seems like yesterday and other times seems like it never happened. In case, anyone reading this hasn't heard I slipped one past the goalie (Nikki is preggers). We are pretty excited, moving to Australia was part of the plan of our one last hurrah before kids. However, I had no idea I was shooting like a sniper and Nikki Marie is as fertile as they come... one shot and done! I'd like to claim all the credit but Ashworth girls look at a dude funny and they are popping out a kid. As for the pregnancy, she has been fantastic. One more reason I am such a lucky dude. Most guys complain about their wives being obnoxious while pregnant. If it wasn't for her big ol' belly I might forget.
As for the transition back to the world. It's amazing how you can slip into the same old lifestyle. I got my same old job back and eat lunch with the same folks, most importantly Shane Nixon because he is awesome, so it really feels like I never left. The only add-on is having to teach metals which entails maintaining two shops and a computer lab... but on the worst 16 hour day of teaching at Fife is better than 5 minutes with those evil little bastards at Adass. We've only had some proper curry a few times and we have returned to cupboards full of food even though we committed to maintaining fresh food in the house. Turns out it really isn't as fun to shop for dinner every night when you don't have the Queen Vic market down the street and you just worked a 12 hour day.
In other news, we have recently bought a house. Yeah turns out tripling our apartment sq. footage wasn't quite enough for our excessive American culture. We just NEED more room.
How's about that for a fifteen second update to cover a year of progress?

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