Friday, July 10, 2009

A litle more detail

Nichole is a bare facts kind of gal. I, on the other hand like to go on and on. This is why her posts are a paragraph and mine blather on and on. I am a bit bored so I thought I'd elaborate on her last post. As she said we are trying to take care of the last few things we want to see in Melbourne. She is digging it. We go for walks and you can see in her eyes that she is really going to miss it. Me, I figure this is the same path I walk to the grocery store 3 times a week for the last year. Yeah, I'm gonna miss the place, but sauntering down the sidewalk isn't what does it for me, I need a destination. The good news is, we balance each other well and no one totally wins. So, we have been pretty touristy in our town. Like Nikki mentioned before we stopped in to a Aboriginal culture center, followed by the immigration museum. Both were interesting. The immigration museum was like a scaled down version of Ellis Island. They had very cool displays on how people got to Australia just a short time ago. As much as an 18 hour plane ride sucks, it sure beats a boat that sailed along the coast of Antarctica where 1/3 of the people died, or a steamship that took months and went through the Mediterranean, Middle East, and Southeast Asia... well actually that would've been a cool trip.
As for the Dali exhibit, like Nikki said, this was some cool art and a weird dude. I learned more than I ever thought I would want to know about Salvador Dali. On Friday night we went to Circus Oz. This was distinctly Aussie. After the show they invite you to hang out after be proclaiming: "see yuh fo' a be-ah!" Speaking of the glorious amber concoction we did the tour of Carlton Brewery where we learned VB is Australian for beer... not Fosters. Actually we already knew that but it was a clever way of saying it in the blog. We also learned that Foster's was actually created by a couple American brothers, it was huge in Australia until about the '70's and now VB (Victoria Bitter) is the suds of choice.
As for the home life, the apartment is pretty bare. We sold all seating within the first day of posting it (a week ago) and now sit on the floor. For Nikki, this is good reason to get out and about and for me it was a good reason to move the TV into the bedroom. As for the packing... suspense builds as we find out whether all of our crap will fit into 4 suitcases.

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