Wednesday, May 13, 2009

What a week- Nikki style...

Where do I even begin? Since my last post, I've cut and pasted so much of my thesis that it doesn't even resemble its original version, but this is a good thing. Now I'm working my way through each of the sections trying to complete and polish it. I'm about a third of the way done and am feeling alright about it, though I must say it's all encompassing.

Well- not all encompassing as I'm now starting to face the reality of moving back to the US. I've been trying to avoid this reality and have been succeeding until this week- and oh what a week. It started with an email that our renters aren't interested in renewing their lease. I guess this is a good thing because it means we have a place to live when we go back, but now there's the worry that maybe they won't pay rent or will trash the house like the last renters. Plus, I was kind of looking forward to a new house, like one with 2 bathrooms that aren't on the opposite side of the house than the bedrooms. Oh well- I guess I should be happy to have a place to lay my head. Oh wait- the only place I have to lay my head is on hardwood floors since the other bastards (not Mark's Jewish ones, the last set of renters) stole our bed- that still pisses me off!

Then, I've been hearing a lot of rumors about cuts going on back at Sumner and have been a little worried about my job. I knew that I was guaranteed a position, but I want my position back. Well- it's not going to happen. I got an email this morning with my placement for next year- 6th grade math and science at Lakeridge Middle School. Now- what in the world gave them the idea that I can teach 6th graders? I teach science because I like science, not because I like students. I tried to be positive about it thinking that at least it's a job and maybe an easier job since it shouldn't take too much to prep for 6th graders, but then I watched some kid's quiz show on tv this afternoon and was shocked that the contestants (probably 6th graders) don't even know what herbivores eat! How much science can I really teach to kids that might not even know what an herbivore is?!

Oh yeah- to top it all off- I found out last night that I have to apply for graduation. I didn't pay any attention to the graduation email because I knew that I wouldn't be around for the ceremony. Well- apparently even if you don't plan on attending the ceremony, you still have to apply for graduation so they know to reward you a degree. Of course I want them to reward me a degree- that's what I'm here for, but I also want them to reward it to me as soon as I earn it so I can get the pay raise that comes with having a masters degree (especially if I have to teach 6th graders- I'll probably need the pay raise to justify going to work everyday). Unfortunately I missed the deadline for this semester and now have to wait until next semester, which means I probably won't get my degree until the end of the year and so I won't get my pay raise until next year (if I'm still teaching then).

So, that's my week...


Mary said...

Rats. I am absolutely angry - you'll be at Lakeridge? I was so looking forward to seeing you at SHs next year.

This downturn can't last forever.

Congrats on the thesis and degree:)

Mary Young

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