Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Saggy Drawers down under?

Funny how things work out. If someone had told me in high school, Saggy Cleveland would come visit me in Australia I would have told them it was never gonna happen. However unlikely one of us making it to Australia the chance of both visiting was ludicrous. For those who don't know him, Saggy is a friend from high school that now counts poop for a living (or is a wildlife biologist if you like fancy-pants job titles). The furthest stretch I could have imagined would be Saggy would be on some poop counting visit over here by order of the University, and I'd come to visit to sample the beer. In reality, he is coming to visit me, we are bitching about beer prices, drinking wine, and plan on attending a play at the Sydney Opera House like a couple fruitcakes. Oh well, I am comfortable enough in my masculinity to do such things.

As for their visit, I have spent the bulk so far working. Being the great guy that I am, I went in to the evil place for the last time to square some things away and help them out until the got a replacement sucker... I mean teacher. On Monday, as soon as they got in I had to go to work as Nikki walked Saggy and Rachel around. Rachel is Saggy's lovely, intelligent wife. I may talk a lot of trash about Saggy but one thing for sure is he married up. When I got home we fired up some Kangaroo tacos, and they faded off to that good ol' jet lag sleep.

Yesterday, we hit the thousand steps hike in the Dandenongs and Saggy had to stop every two seconds to take a picture of every bird, mushroom, and flower. If we'd have run across poop, I just don't know what he would have done. Then last night, we went out to St. Kilda to have a BBQ at Stuey's house. Afterwards, we walked along the St. Kilda pier and checked out the penguins.

Today while I sub-taught a little wood shop, I sent Saggy and Rachel out to Healesville sanctuary which is a cool zoo type thing with lots of indigenous animals. I figured it would be like porn to Saggy. They managed their way out there and back just fine. So, now we need to slop down some dinner so we can make it out to our Lawn Bowls game (look it up, it is the silliest game in the world).


nick said...

mark, i'm dissapointed, you didn't say if he digs your new favorite food.

Mark and Nikki said...

Funny how he says that he's been working a lot while they were here and then he goes on to talk about all of the things he did with them. The reality is that he worked about 4 hours Monday, 1 hour Tuesday, and a full day Wednesday- I think Wednesday was so tough on him that he had to take the rest of the week off and then most of the following week (he worked one day then).