Tuesday, November 11, 2008

City Livin'

Alright, so the other half of this trip that I never really talk about is that I am living in the middle of a city of 4 million. The downside being that there are no Kangaroos and Koalas in the city and that as soon as I buy a new tire for my bike because it was stolen... the friggin' bike gets stolen. the upside is the kind of things that are accessible.

Last weekend we went to dinner at a place that required reservations 6 weeks in advance. Back home a 20 minute wait pisses me off. I tell you what though, the food was definitely worth the wait. It was banquet style Lebanese food. You didn't even get a choice of what to eat they just bring you food... and more food... and more food. Two things worried me about this evening. #1 was I going to get enough to eat? (yes I did) and #2 would I like the food (silly me... I love most food). The best part was the company. We went with Tim and Carrol the couple that we went to the beach house with a few weekends ago and they brought a friend that was Iranian. Just moved 2 years ago.

What an interesting perspective. It may have turned into a bit of a man crush as I discussed life in Iran with this guy. what a different world we live in. It really makes you appreciate the freedoms we have. We went to the local Hooka bar. How cool is that? And I smoked the "Sheesha" (that's what they call it in Iran)and drank Arak (traditional Iranian drink) with an actual Persian. Enlightening.

Well, probably the last post before our excursion to New Zealand. Cruise is for 10 days and we are really excited. Oh and sorry about the political discussion in the last post. I just found it interesting to see the US election from another country. And how could I not point out the fact that the leader of the free world is a Bears fan? Love ya' Dad!

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