Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Wow, only a week to go...

The countdown has officially begun- we have exactly one week left in Melbourne. It's strange that even though we're sitting in a relatively empty apartment and saying goodbye to quite a few of our friends, it hasn't really sunk in that we're leaving for good. Maybe it's because we've left Melbourne so many times throughout the year that I feel like we're just leaving for another holiday. The reality of it is very different though and we've tried to acknowledge that by taking advantage of the many things that Melbourne has to offer. In the last week we've done a fair bit of walking around the city, made quite a few trips to the Queen Vic Market, eaten out a couple of times, visited an Aboriginal culture center, gone to the Immigration Museum, checked out the special Dali exhibit at the National Gallery of Art (amazing art, pretty weird guy though), experienced Circus Oz (probably not recommended for young children), and toured the Carlton Brewery. In between all that, we've been packing and cleaning. Plus, I attended the Australasian Association of Philosophy annual conference for a day and have been trying to rework my thesis into a publishable article. That's all for now, we'll try for a more interesting post later :)

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