Monday, March 9, 2009


We sure have been saying that a lot these past few days. First off, the Blue Mountains were breathtaking. It actually irritates me a bit because it is one of those places that just don't translate in to pictures. But, to help I've added a few notes to this picture (Click on it and Zoom way in to see them).

The next picture is of the sky way we took across the huge canyon (over 230 meters high!). The bottom had clear glass that you could see right under your feet. Down in the valley the trees were like something out of Tarzan. They were like ropes, and the animals were all about. Luckily only the mild ones (the Blue Mountains have 8 out of the 10 deadliest snakes in the world)

After the Blue mountains we cruised to the Hunter Valley wine region, where we spent one day hitting the winery and another watching Eric Clapton. Hows about some love for the greatest husband in the world! Okay so that one smooth act doesn't make up for all the other things she puts up with but what the hell I'll take credit when I can. The setting was fantastic, and the show was even better. When he cranked out "Layla", "Cocaine", and "Wonderful Tonight" it was electric. (da na nuhnuhnuhnuh nuh da na nuhnuhnuhnuh) (that was Layla in blog humming).

Yesterday we stayed in Kempsey. Matt (my bro) had some friends he does business with over there and they were about as friendly as can be. I'm pretty sure that if Matt were to grow up in Australia he would be Ben Woods. These guys were true blue Montana boys all the way (Australian versions anyway). Nikki just loved the talk of killing the poor defenseless Kangaroos. We figured if we had a few more days there they'd take me out to shoot a kangaroo and Nikki would take it to the animal sanctuary to save it as soon as I pulled the trigger. Another fun thing about these guys was they actually spoke like Aussies. "We'll go up to me pub and drink some bloody grog mate, my shout... fair dinkum?"

As for today, we cruised up the coast. Stopping along the way for spectacular stops such as a pie shop that served 52 varieties of pies! On a side note, I have officially downgraded microwave burritoes from the top spot on my list of fine delicacies to make room for these glorious creations. On another side note, I think there was an Aussie guy 200 years ago that woke up one morning and knew that Mark Beddes would one day come to Australia see he figured he would create the most ideal food to make my experience special. I mean cheap, greasy, and full of meat that really is something special. We also made a few stops at a few of the "big" things. Australia for some reason makes these ridiculous huge things along the side of the road for tourist attractions. We saw the big banana and the big prawn,

The day was finished checking in to a cool little guest house then swimming in the ocean until the sun went down. This little hippie town (Byron Bay) would be a great place to kill a week.

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