Saturday, January 3, 2009

God Bless America

First of all, I am missing Australia quite a bit. I'd give $20 for a meat pie. And I'd pay $6.99 for a shot glass size jar of Vegemite. But being back has really made me realize the things in the US of A that I really miss. Wonderful things like family, friends, my sweet dog and glorious American excess. I've been a few places in this world and there is nowhere I have found where you can buy 64 oz of pop for a buck! There really is something magical about that. Microwave burritos are another grand American creation that just can't be found elsewhere. And beer that you don't need to take out a second mortgage to buy.

Above all though, the time with family is irreplaceable. Speaking of family, our exchange student from a few years ago came all the way from Italy just to see us (Nichole first but me too according to her). She is now 18 and a beautiful young woman. Another bonus to the visit was meeting my beautiful little god-daughter Heather Paige Zito. My niece and nephews are growing up fast too. Abby loves the Chicago Bears and tells everyone. Wyatt is now coming around to the Monsters of the Midway too. He says "Go Bears... Packer's stink" all the time. And, bubba's son Tyler is also quickly coming around too. He asked me to buy him a Bears hat before I left and I went home and ordered one right up. My bro's think I'm brainwashing their kids but I think they are just really smart when it comes to picking a team.

As for the weather... I'm digging it. Nikki likes those sissy winters but as far as I am concerned winter should be winter and summer should be summer. It has been freezing cold and snow every day since we've been here just the way winter should be. Sure I'm looking forward to getting back to shorts and flip-flops but right now I'm in winter wonderland.

Like Nikki said posts will be few and far between until we get back down under (Feb. 1st), so until then G'day mate!

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