Wednesday, November 19, 2008


I want to rock and roll all day.. and Nikki wants to throw up (if it wasn't for the motion sickness pills). I love the waves. The ship has really been rocking as we roll through Fjordland, New Zealand (turns out the New Zealander’s have about the same creativity naming things as the Aussies(i.e. tasty cheese)). People told us that that you can't even feel the cruise ship but this one is a bit different. The swells were sometimes 15 feet high. The people we eat dinner with say it is the roughest they've ever experienced and they've been on 13 cruises.

The sights are like nothing I could have even imagined. Imagine the tallest mountain peaks you’ve ever seen and erase the hills, valleys, and everything else in between until you get to the ocean. It just goes from these huge snowcapped mountain peaks straight down into water. Then the water is 1000 feet deep. So back to the rocking, as we roll out of the fjords, the waves are huge and the ship is really rocking back and forth. The pools are splashing ten foot waves! It was a bit chilly so I was the only one in the pool, and I must be in 30-40 family vacation pictures. Amazing stuff!

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