Thursday, October 30, 2008

Thank God for Halloween...

... 'cause October sucked! Sorry there really hasn't been a lot of posts this month but it seems we haven't had a lot of good things to say. Australia has been pretty good. I didn't have to teach at the Jewish school this month, and I've really found my groove as a substitute teacher. We also had a lovely weekend at the beach with some friends. A girl Nikki goes to school with and her partner (they say partner here for everything, whether it is girlfriend/boyfriend/husband/wife/lesbian lover/etc.). And last night we went to Federation Square for a massive beer tasting. Like 20 microbreweries with all their different brews on tap. Good times! Nikki is now finished with her first semester of the master's program and has officially left me in the dust when it come to her philosophical papers. Reading her papers is like another language for this dude.

Now for the sucky stuff. I missed one of my best friends weddings. Jimison was in my wedding and he asked me to be in his but I couldn't because I was here. It kills me that I let him down like that.

Speaking of friends, Captain Zito and his lovely wife Amber had a beautiful baby girl named Heather Paige. My first God-daughter and I won't see her until Christmas. Judging by the pictures I'm gettting she is a cute little girl!

Nikki contracted "pink eye" recently. Probably from dealing with the public in her new job. Definitely not from the fecal route. Her's is the viral kind... and she washes her hands 80 times a day. Just wanted to make sure y'all know she is a hygienic person.

And finally, we just got word from my brother who was taking care of our cat that she has gone on to cat heaven. This was Nikki and I's first pet so that makes it real tough. Bailey was a great cat. Nikki and I both hated cats before her. Really the only reason we got her was we thought she might be a low maintenance pet. Turns out we got a cat that was more like a dog. First of all, she was certainly a cat with character. Most notably she loved water. Every morning when the shower turned on she would come running and immediately jump in and shower. Just turning on the kitchen sink would get her riled up and she'd have to come jump under the water. What's more, if you left a glass of water laying around... she would come knock it over. Even now here, we are careful of leaving water laying around, just out of habit. Another fun quirk she had was if she decided she wanted to be pet, she would be. Throw her off your lap 8 times and she'd just jump right back on. If you started petting her, and then stopped, she'd bite you just to let you know what she was sitting there for. She certainly was a character! Just knowing she isn't going to be there when we get back reminds us that you can never go home again. My mom did let me talk to my dog Isabelle on the phone tonight so that made me feel a bit better. We just would never have been able to take on this adventure without the help of family and friends.

I guess it isn't all wine and roses on this trip. Regret and second guessing is certainly tossed around in my mind, but at the end of the day,this is something that we both really wanted to do. And these thoughts never make it to a second thought. Sure it isn't easy and after a month like this, it almost doesn't seem worth it but then I remember that time passes and things change whether you like it or not. And at the end of this year, whatever we end up doing we will have these memories, and that will stay with us until we die.

Well, with that said I am really getting sick of these heart to heart blogs. Let's keep things in perspective here. It was Halloween here an they do know what it is but don't really celebrate it. I subbed at Fitzroy High and there was about 5-10 kids with the costumes and I ask them if they were going trick or treating. They said they have tried before but the people either give them old Meusli or 100 year old lollies (candy) or they tell them "We aren't bloody Americans!" and tell them to get lost.

And most importantly, the Bears are in first place in the North and playing Detroit this weekend. The Packers on the other hand are playing the Titans.. which means after this week they'll be all alone at the top! Super Bowl '09 Champs! (you heard it here first)

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